Tag Archives: Infrastructure

White House Finalizes Long-awaited Build America, Buy America, (BABA) Guidance

The White House has announced long-awaited final guidance to federal agencies to implement domestic content and manufacturing requirements in federally funded infrastructure projects. The Biden Administration guidance applies broadly to the use of iron, steel, and other common construction materials and products and, as a result, is expected to have broad implications for awardees of … Continue Reading

Transatlantic Trade | US and Europe: May 16 – 30

At the end of the month, the European Union (EU) finally reached a deal – after weeks of negotiations – on an oil ban against Russian sourced oil and petroleum products.  In mid-May, the United States (US) and EU concluded their second US-EU Trade and Technology Council ministerial meeting.  Meanwhile, absent a free trade agreement … Continue Reading

Biden Administration Boosts Domestic Manufacturing – EXIM to Provide Competitive Financing

For the first time, the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) will make its existing financing programs available to export-oriented domestic manufacturing facilities and infrastructure projects. The Make More in America Initiative was unanimously approved by the EXIM Board of Directors in April 2022, and had support from the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), … Continue Reading

Sustainability Outlook European Union – July 2021

Our European Public Policy team is pleased to share with you our monthly newsletter, Sustainability Outlook – European Union which looks at key developments in EU sustainability law and policy. This month is a particularly packed issues as the European Commission has proposed a range of climate proposals. This month’s edition includes the following:… Continue Reading

US Executive Branch Update – July 16, 2021

This report provides a snapshot of the US Executive Branch priorities via daily schedules and the prior day’s press releases. POTUS’ Schedule* 7:30 a.m. EDT – THE PRESIDENT participates in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Leaders’ Virtual Retreat, where Leaders will discuss ending the COVID-19 pandemic and supporting the global economic recovery | South Court Auditorium… Continue Reading

State of US Infrastructure – Week of July 5-9, 2021

This week, former US Secretary of Transportation Rodney Slater appeared on Bloomberg Radio to discuss the latest state of play on President Biden’s proposed infrastructure deal and the importance of infrastructure investment in the future of US competitiveness and prosperity.… Continue Reading

The American Jobs Plan Spotlights Infrastructure – Could This Mean Transformational Changes for Transportation?

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on March 31, President Joe Biden outlined his vision to reimagine and rebuild a new economy. Focused on The American Jobs Plan as a US$2.25 trillion investment in the US that “will create millions of good jobs, rebuild our country’s infrastructure and position the US to out-compete China,” he outlined to the … Continue Reading

Global Investment Perspective | Building Modern, Sustainable Infrastructure and Equitable, Clean Energy Future

The Biden administration is setting out plans for unprecedented investment in US infrastructure and clean energy plans that are at the heart of the administration’s recovery program to “Build Back Better.” Amid all the fanfare, the key questions for the global investor community will be how and when key projects are structured and brought to … Continue Reading

Transition 2020 | Biden Pledges to Expand Buy American Policies, Promote Domestic Supply Chains

Businesses of all sizes should consider how the Biden Administration’s “Build Back Better” economic plan would affect international supply chains. His strategy to revitalize the American economy rests on two pillars: strengthening Buy American provisions and reforming the tax code to incentivize domestic production.… Continue Reading

UK Government Spending Review – Highlights

Just days after Boris Johnson’s well-received 10 point plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, now it is the turn of Rishi Sunak to talk infrastructure.  For those of us with a particular interest in infrastructure, transport and energy developments, there are a number of highlights from Rishi’s announcements today.  Those with an interest in infra … Continue Reading

Transition 2020 | Building Back Better: Transportation and Infrastructure in the 117th Congress

President-Elect Joe Biden’s recent presumed victory in the general election will push forward major shifts in US policy across a wide array of issues, including transportation and infrastructure. Broadly, Biden and his transition team have indicated a desire to work with Congress in early 2021 to enact a large-scale infrastructure package, which would include what … Continue Reading

PODCAST: From the Ground to the Skies – How We See the Future for US Infrastructure

  It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” – Henry David Thoreau In an October 27 episode of the Bond Buyer Podcast, our colleagues Rodney E. Slater (former US Secretary of Transportation) and Alethia Nancoo shared the opportunities that they see for the future of US highways, toll roads, railways … Continue Reading

VIDEO: “What Happens After the Election?” An Analysis by Bipartisan Government Insiders

What is the fate of the next COVID relief bill, in a Trump or Biden Administration?  What would a change in the Senate majority mean under a Republican or Democratic administration? What is the outlook on the US economy, infrastructure development, tax reform and other critical issues in 2021 from a former Speaker of the … Continue Reading

US Executive Branch Update – August 27, 2020

This report provides a snapshot of the US Executive Branch priorities via daily schedules and the prior day’s press releases. POTUS’ Schedule* *The US President (POTUS) and Vice President’s (VPOTUS) daily schedules are subject to change. 12:00 p.m. EDT – THE PRESIDENT participates in a roundtable with supporters | Washington, D.C. 1:15 p.m. EDT – … Continue Reading

In Full Campaign Mode, Biden Focuses on Energy and Infrastructure in Second Economic Policy Speech

Former vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden announced this week the second plank of his economic policy: a clean energy and infrastructure plan, encompassing some of his most progressive policies yet. In a July 14 speech in Wilmington, Delaware, Vice President Biden announced plans to create “millions of high-paying union jobs by building … Continue Reading

Biden’s Plan for Economic Recovery Post-COVID and Beyond

After months on hold responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 US elections are heating up, as Democrats seek to take control of the White House from President Donald Trump.  On Thursday, July 9, former Vice President and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden released a broad economic plan during a speech in Dunmore, Pennsylvania. … Continue Reading

Public Policy Daily Briefing – June 23, 2020

Five weeks after passing the US$3 trillion HEROES Act, House Democrats are moving to pass a companion measure, the Moving Forward Act, that would add another US$1.5 trillion by funding an array of national infrastructure projects and related Democratic priorities. The bill is expected to be taken up on the House floor prior to Independence … Continue Reading

COVID-19: US Developments – Implementation and Oversight of CARES Act – June 8, 2020

Fueled by a stronger-than-expected monthly national employment report, President Donald Trump is vowing to press the US Congress to craft a bipartisan COVID-19 response package this summer that places a heavy emphasis on policies that would accelerate the return of the American economy as it emerges from the pandemic-driven shutdown. The White House drive comes … Continue Reading