US executive branch text over image of White HouseThis report provides a snapshot of the US Executive Branch priorities via daily schedules and the prior day’s press releases.

POTUS’ Schedule*

*The US President (POTUS) and Vice President’s (VPOTUS) daily schedules are subject to change.

12:30 p.m. EDT – THE PRESIDENT has lunch with the Vice President | Private Dining Room

2:00 p.m. EDT – THE PRESIDENT participates in a roundtable with stakeholders positively impacted by law enforcement | East Room

Looking Ahead: on Wednesday, President Trump will deliver remarks on infrastructure in Atlanta, Georgia.  On Thursday, the President is set to give a speech on deregulation.  President Trump will participate in a credentialing ceremony for newly appointed ambassadors to Washington, D.C., on Friday.

VPOTUS’ Schedule*

12:30 p.m. EDT – THE VICE PRESIDENT joins THE PRESIDENT for lunch | Private Dining Room

2:00 p.m. EDT – THE VICE PRESIDENT joins THE PRESIDENT for a roundtable with stakeholders positively impacted by law enforcement | East Room

4:00 p.m. EDT –  THE VICE PRESIDENT leads a Governors’ video teleconference on COVID-19 response & recovery | White House Situation Room

Recap of Saturday & Sunday, July 11-12, 2020

Note: All bold hyperlinks spotlight COVID-19 and reopening developments.

The White House

  • Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure

Department of State

US Mission to the United Nations (UN)

  • Explanation of Vote on the Adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2533 on Syria Cross-Border Humanitarian Aid Deliveries

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

  • Press Release:  CBP Officers Intercept More Than 43,000 Pounds of Drugs Valued at $92 Million in June (California)

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

  • Press Release:  President Donald J. Trump Approves Major Disaster Declaration for Arkansas
  • Press Release:  Federal Aid Programs For The State Of Arkansas

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

US Government (USG) COVID-19 Webpages

Non-USG COVID Webpages

Johns Hopkins University & Medicine

Synopsis of President Trump’s Tweets

  • July 13:  “Never in history have Police been treated so badly as they are in Democrat run cities – and these cities are a mess. Police must take a stronger stand with the Radical Left politicians that are treating them so badly, and so disrespectfully!!!”
  • July 13:  “‘Republican voter registration is way up, Democrat numbers are down.’ @foxandfriends”
  • July 13:  “‘Republican voter registration is way up, Democrat numbers are down.’ @foxandfriends”
  • July 13:  “Is this what you want for your President??? With no ratings, media will go down along with our great USA!”  [Video]
  • July 12:  “No, Radical Left anarchists, agitators, looters or protesters will not be knocking down or harming the Washington Monument, the Lincoln or Jefferson Memorials, or just about any other Federal Monumrnt or Statue. If they even try, an automatic 10 years in prison. Sorry!”
  • July 12:  “Thank you to J.R. Majewski, a great Air Force Veteran and Trump Supporter who did a beautiful job of turning his lawn into a giant Trump Sign. Thanks also to your fantastic Ohio neighbors. We are making record progress on JOBS, etc. Big Silent Majority!!! @foxandfriends”
  • July 12:  “I know many in business and politics that work out endlessly, in some cases to a point of exhaustion. It is their number one passion in life, but nobody complains. My “exercise” is playing, almost never during the week, a quick round of golf. Obama played more and much longer….”
  • July 12:  “…rounds, no problem. When I play, Fake News CNN, and others, park themselves anywhere they can to get a picture, then scream “President Trump is playing golf.” Actually, I play VERY fast, get a lot of work done on the golf course, and also get a “tiny” bit of exercise. Not bad!”
  • July 12:  “We have now built 240 Miles of new Border Wall on our Southern Border. We will have over 450 Miles built by the end of the year. Have established some of the best Border Numbers ever. The Radical Left Democrats want Open Borders for anyone, including many criminals, to come in!”
  • July 12:  “I disagreed with doing this very small (tiny) section of wall, in a tricky area, by a private group which raised money by ads. It was only done to make me look bad, and perhsps it now doesn’t even work. Should have been built like rest of Wall, 500 plus miles.”  Retweet:  Jeremy Schwartz @JinATX · Jul 8 · UPDATE: Experts to inspect a controversial privately built border wall following a federal court hearing this am. Govt attorney identified 4 areas of problematic erosion along the base of the fence and the banks of the Rio Grande. Fisher attorney promises fixes, but vague on plan…
  • July 12:  “Do RINO’S Pat Toomey & Mitt Romney have any problem with the fact that we caught Obama, Biden, & Company illegally spying on my campaign? Do they care if Comey, McCabe, Page & her lover, Peter S, the whole group, ran rampant, wild & unchecked – lying & leaking all the way? NO!”
  • July 11:  “Does anyone notice that the real Polls, as opposed to the Fake Suppression Polls also used in 2016, are starting to define Sleepy Joe Biden as someone totally ill-equipped to control the Radical Left, Crime, Cancel Culture, or to even come close to me on REBUILDING THE ECONOMY?”
  • July 11:  “2016? HERE WE GO AGAIN!”
  • July 11:  “What an INCREDIBLE opening by @JesseBWatters. I will put it up later for everyone to see!”