Tag Archives: sequestration

Budget Negotiations Continue Amidst Busy Congressional Calendar; House to Consider Budget Reconciliation

Legislative Activity Budget Negotiations Continue Amidst Busy Congressional Calendar Budget negotiations between staff for Republican leadership, the White House, and Democrats are ongoing, but there have been few signs of progress. Democrats have recently announced they will not accept changes to entitlements as part of a budget deal to increase government spending, increasing the likelihood … Continue Reading

Budget Negotiations Begin; Debt Ceiling Closer than Expected; House to Markup Budget Reconciliation Package

Legislative Activity Budget Negotiations Begin Recently, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) began discussions with President Barack Obama on a budget deal.  The three of them participated in a conference call to lay the foundation for negotiations, and while Majority Leader McConnell reportedly pushed to keep Democratic Leadership in … Continue Reading

House Likely to Move CR Soon, But Complications Remain; Increased Talk of Budget Negotiations, But No Action Yet

Legislative Activity House Likely to Move CR Soon, But Complications Remain With only eight legislative days scheduled in the House before government funding runs out on September 30, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is under a short timeline to push a Continuing Resolution (CR) through the House. Speaker Boehner could bring a CR to the floor … Continue Reading

Appropriations Process All But Over, CR Likely; Budget Negotiations Possible, But Who and When is Unclear

Legislative Activity Appropriations Process All But Over, CR Likely The appropriations process is almost certainly over and when Congress returns from the August recess there will be just ten legislative days before federal funding runs out, hardly enough time to negotiate a budget deal or an omnibus spending bill. As anticipated, Congress will likely pass … Continue Reading

Congress Shuffles Closer to a Budget Deal, as Appropriations Process Stops; Budget Reconciliation Will Wait Until After August Recess

Legislative Activity Congress Shuffles Closer to a Budget Deal, as Appropriations Process Stops The appropriations process is all but over, after a Confederate flag flap during floor debate of the House Interior-Environment bill brought the process to a standstill. While the appropriations committees in both the House and Senate may mark-up their final appropriations bills … Continue Reading

Appropriations Process on the Floor Comes to a Standstill, in Both Houses; Heading Towards a Shutdown or a Continuing Resolution

Legislative Activity Appropriations Process on the Floor Comes to a Standstill, in Both Houses After an unplanned public fight over a confederate flag amendment in the Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill the House appropriations process has stalled, effectively bringing appropriations efforts on the floor for both Houses of Congress to a standstill just three weeks before the … Continue Reading

Senate Appropriations Process Stalled for Foreseeable Future; Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill on the House Floor

Legislative Activity Senate Appropriations Process Stalled for Foreseeable Future Both the House and Senate are on schedule to finish voting all 12 appropriations bills out of committee, which if successful would be the first time in six years. However, the process is likely to remain stalled in the Senate, as Senate Democrats are expected to … Continue Reading

Senate Appropriations Process Stalls as Democrats Look to Force a Budget Deal; What a Budget Deal Might Look Like

Legislative Activity Senate Appropriations Process Stalls as Democrats Look to Force a Budget Deal The Senate appropriations process has stalled, and it is unclear how Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will proceed this week. Last Thursday, Senate Democrats followed through with their announced strategy to stop appropriations bills from reaching the Senate floor by … Continue Reading

Senate Democrats Continue to Push for a Budget Deal; House and Senate Continue Appropriations Markups

Legislative Activity Senate Democrats Continue to Push for a Budget Deal In the coming weeks, Senate Democrats will implement a strategy intended to force Republicans into a budget deal. Senate Democratic leadership does not want to rely on President Obama’s vetoes of appropriations bills to force Republicans into negotiations, and will likely prevent any appropriations … Continue Reading

Transportation-Housing and Defense Appropriations Bills on the House Floor; Senate and House Markup Hearings Continue This Week

Legislative Activity Transportation-Housing and Defense Appropriations Bills on the House Floor The House will continue consideration of the Transportation-Housing (T-HUD) Appropriations Bill this week. The House was expected to vote on the $55.3 billion measure last Thursday, but leadership said a large number of amendments required pushing the vote to this week. Rail safety was … Continue Reading

Appropriations Bills Head to House Floor; Appropriations Committee Markup Hearings

Legislative Activity Appropriations Bills Head to House Floor The House will debate the Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) and the Transportation and Housing (T-HUD) FY 2016 Appropriations Bills on the floor this week. Both bills adhere to the sequester’s spending limits, even though President Obama has threatened to veto any appropriations bills that do not adjust the caps. … Continue Reading

Senate Joins House in Appropriations Effort; Appropriations Process to Heat Up

Legislative Activity Senate Joins House in Appropriations Effort Senate Appropriators begin work on their FY 2016 spending bills this week, with subcommittee markups scheduled Tuesday for the Military Construction-Veterans Affairs and Energy-Water appropriations bills. Committee Chairman Thad Cochran (R-MS) has not publicly revealed how he apportions the mandated topline discretionary funding level of $1.07 trillion … Continue Reading

Democrats Continue to Push for a Budget Deal; Senate Looks Toward Appropriations Markups; House to Mark Up Transportation-HUD Appropriations Bill

Legislative Activity Democrats Continue to Push for a Budget Deal The President and Democrats in the House and Senate continue to pressure Republicans for a budget deal to replace the sequester’s strict spending limits. Most House Democrats voted against the two sequester-level appropriations bills that were recently considered on the House floor, President Obama has … Continue Reading

House and Senate Nearing Budget Conference Agreement; Energy-Water and Milcon/VA Appropriations Bills Head to House Floor; Democrats Push for a Budget Deal

Legislative Activity House and Senate Nearing Budget Conference Agreement House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) included possible consideration of the budget conference report on this week’s House schedule, and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Michael Enzi (R-WY) said he is optimistic the House and Senate budget conferees can come to an agreement this week, noting he … Continue Reading

House and Senate Budget Conference; Appropriations 302(b) Allocations and Spending Limits; House Appropriations Committee to Mark Up Appropriations Bills

Legislative Activity House and Senate Budget Conference The House and Senate budget conference committee will hold a public conference meeting on Monday, as they attempt to negotiate a joint agreement on a fiscal 2016 budget resolution that can pass both houses of Congress. Most of the Committee’s upcoming negotiations will take place in private, and … Continue Reading

House and Senate Budget Conference; House Subcommittees to Mark Up Appropriations Bills

Legislative Activity House and Senate Budget Conference The House and Senate Budget Committees are working towards a budget resolution that will pass both the House and the Senate. The Budget Committee Chairmen, Representative Tom Price (R-GA) and Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), returned early from the two-week recess to discuss the budget resolutions, as they try … Continue Reading

House and Senate Committees to Mark Up Budget Resolutions; How Will Congress Deal with the Sequester; Debt Limit Reached

Legislative Activity House and Senate Committees to Mark Up Budget Resolutions; How Will Congress Deal with the Sequester? The House and Senate Budget Committees will hold markup hearings this week on their respective Budget Resolutions. The House Committee will mark up its resolution on Wednesday, while the Senate Committee will hold markup hearings on both … Continue Reading

Congress Avoids DHS Shut-Down, Passes Short-Term Funding Measure; Republicans Appoint Hall As CBO Director

Legislative Activity Congress Avoids DHS Shut-Down, Passes Short-Term Funding Measure Funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will again be the top priority on the congressional agenda this week after both a “clean” full-year continuing resolution (CR) and a three-week CR failed to advance in the House, forcing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) … Continue Reading

Defense Department Congressional Oversight Hearings Ahead

Secretary Carter to Testify on the Defense Department’s Budget This week, Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter will testify this week on the Department’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Budget request. He is scheduled to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday and the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee on Wednesday. Sequestration In advance of congressional oversight … Continue Reading

DHS Funding Deadline Nears; Budget and Appropriations Committees at Work; Republicans Narrow Search for New CBO Director

Legislative Activity DHS Funding Deadline Nears Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding expires on Friday, February 27, leaving only days for Congress to act to fund DHS. The Senate has not been able to overcome a Democratic filibuster of the House DHS funding legislation (H.R. 240), which includes policy riders blocking the President’s executive actions … Continue Reading

Congress Focuses on Ashton Carter’s Senate Confirmation Hearing

Legislative Activity Confirmation Hearing This Wednesday morning, the Senate Armed Services Committee will convene a hearing to examine Ashton Carter’s nomination to be the next Secretary of Defense. While he is expected to face questions critical of the Administration’s policies, it is anticipated that Mr. Carter will eventually be confirmed by the full Senate. FY 2016 Budget … Continue Reading

Ashton Carter’s Nomination Hearing Set; Senate Armed Services Committee to Examine National Security Challenges

FY 2016 Budget Request President Obama said he intends to release his FY 2016 Budget Request on February 2nd. While not yet confirmed by the Senate to be the next Secretary of Defense, former Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is expected to present the FY 2016 Defense budget.  Meanwhile, last week, the Senate Armed Services … Continue Reading

NDAA Comes to Senate Floor; White House Receives Intelligence Program Interim Report

Executive and Legislative Branch Activity Defense Authorization, Budget And the Sequester The Fiscal 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) (S.1197) is expected to come to the Senate floor this week. Speculation is high the Senate debate will be truncated in order to conclude before the Thanksgiving congressional recess. There is growing consensus the second round … Continue Reading

Senate to Debate Defense Authorization, Budget and the Sequester; Security Clearance Process To Be Reviewed

Executive and Legislative Branch Activity Defense Authorization, Budget and the Sequester The Senate is in session this week, while the House is in recess. The Fiscal 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) (S.1197) is expected to be debated on the Senate floor the week of November 18. Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) Chair Carl Levin … Continue Reading