Legislative Activity

Appropriations Bills Head to House Floor

The House will debate the Commerce-Justice-Science (CJS) and the Transportation and Housing (T-HUD) FY 2016 Appropriations Bills on the floor this week. Both bills adhere to the sequester’s spending limits, even though President Obama has threatened to veto any appropriations bills that do not adjust the caps. Democrats will likely oppose the appropriations bills on the House floor, as they try to force Republicans to agree to a budget deal.

The CJS bill is expected to be considered under an open rule allowing germane amendments on the floor. The measure would provide $51.4 billion in discretionary budget authority, $1.3 billion more than the FY 2015 level, but $661 million less than the President’s FY 2016 Budget Request.

The T-HUD bill appropriates $108.7 billion for the Transportation and the Housing and Urban Development agencies, and is also expected to be debated under open rule. The total includes $55.3 billion in discretionary spending subject to the spending caps and $53.5 billion from the highway and aviation trust funds. The bill would provide $1.5 billion more than the current level but $25.9 billion less than the President requested. Notably, the bill would reduce funding for Amtrak and mass transit.

This Week’s Hearings:

  • Wednesday, June 3: The House Budget Committee will hold an oversight hearing of the Congressional Budget Office.

FY 2016 Appropriations Committee/Subcommittee Markups

  • Tuesday, June 2: The House Appropriations Committee will hold a markup of the FY 2016 Defense Appropriations Bill.
  • Wednesday, June 3: The House Appropriations State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee will hold a markup of the FY 2016 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill.