Tag Archives: Lithuania

Transatlantic Trade | US and Europe: May 16 – 30

At the end of the month, the European Union (EU) finally reached a deal – after weeks of negotiations – on an oil ban against Russian sourced oil and petroleum products.  In mid-May, the United States (US) and EU concluded their second US-EU Trade and Technology Council ministerial meeting.  Meanwhile, absent a free trade agreement … Continue Reading

10 Member States referred to the Court of Justice of the EU for failing to Implement the EU’s Telecom Law

The EU’s Directive on the European Electronic Communications Code (“EECC”), entering into effect on 21 December 2020, revises the regulatory framework in the telecommunications sector, responding to the market changes and the connectivity demands and challenges. As with every EU Directive, Member States are required to transpose the EU law into their respective national laws.… Continue Reading

Transatlantic Trade | US and Europe – Week of February 7, 2022

The United States (US) Government continues to warn of an imminent Russian attack on Ukraine.  While diplomacy remains the preferred option, US intelligence suggests Russia’s military is poised to roll into Ukraine from multiple fronts.  Officials from the United Kingdom (UK), the US and European Union (EU) engaged Russian counterparts this week, seeking a diplomatic … Continue Reading

US Executive Branch Update – February 15, 2022

This report provides a snapshot of the US Executive Branch priorities via daily schedules and the prior day’s press releases. POTUS’ Schedule* 9:50 a.m. EST – THE PRESIDENT receives the President’s Daily Brief | The White House 2:00 p.m. EST – THE PRESIDENT addresses bipartisan county officials from around the country at the National Association … Continue Reading

Transatlantic Trade | US and Europe – Week of January 31, 2022

While the situation between Russia and Ukraine remains a focus for transatlantic trade partners, the rhetoric this week appears to have been pared back.  Nevertheless, a group of Senators in the United States (US) may soon have an agreement on a sanctions bill to address Russia’s aggression.  Sanctions legislation was introduced on 31 January in … Continue Reading

Transatlantic Trade | US and Europe – Week of January 24, 2022

The United States (US) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) submitted their responses to Russia’s security demands this past week, which the Russian Foreign Minister indicated gave hope of a dialogue on secondary questions, not the fundamental issues.  With the White House suggesting Russia could re-invade Ukraine in February, media reports reflect Ukraine’s President has … Continue Reading

Transatlantic Trade | US and Europe – Week of January 10, 2022

Amid increased tension between the Russian Federation (Russia) and Ukraine, diplomatic talks between the United States (US), European countries, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Russia concluded this week, with US officials saying they are taking stock of the discussions, while Russian officials indicated talks were a “dead end.”  These past few weeks and … Continue Reading

Transatlantic Trade | US and Europe – Week of January 3, 2022

Officials from the United States (US) spent this past week preparing for this coming week’s diplomatic talks with their counterparts from the Russian Federation, amid tension over Russia’s military build-up at Ukraine’s border and unrest in Kazakhstan that saw Russian paratroopers deployed at the behest of the Kazakh government.  European and US officials will be … Continue Reading

Transatlantic Trade | US and Europe – Week of December 20, 2021

Transatlantic partners are closely tracking the Russian Federation’s (“Russia”) military build-up at Ukraine’s border, continuing to issue warnings against a possible incursion.  Officials from the United States (US, or USA) briefed the media on the situation on Thursday, just ahead of the US Christmas holiday break.  The US Government also released its annual report on … Continue Reading

US Executive Branch Update – December 22, 2021

This report provides a snapshot of the US Executive Branch priorities via daily schedules and the prior day’s press releases. POTUS’ Schedule* 10:30 a.m. EST – THE PRESIDENT meets with his Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force and private sector CEOs to receive another progress update on getting goods moving, keeping shelves stocked, and lowering prices … Continue Reading

Transatlantic Trade | US and Europe – Week of December 6, 2021

This past week, the Government of the United Kingdom (UK) started outlining its agenda for 2022, with a focus on digital trade, among other priorities, in the broader framework of establishing a “network of liberty.”  The latter point overlaps with the Government of the United States of America (US, or USA), which hosted a virtual … Continue Reading