This report provides a snapshot of the US Executive Branch priorities via daily schedules and the prior day’s press releases. POTUS’ Schedule* *The US President (POTUS) and Vice President’s (VPOTUS) daily schedules are subject to change. The White House had yet to release the President’s schedule. VPOTUS’ Schedule* 2:00 p.m. EST – THE VICE PRESIDENT … Continue Reading
Squire Patton Boggs’ State Attorneys General Practice Group is comprised of lawyers who have served at senior levels in state AG offices around the country and whose practices focus, to one degree or another, on representing clients before these increasingly assertive and powerful, yet often overlooked, government agencies, as explained in detail here. In these updates, … Continue Reading
Legislative Action Future of House Energy and Water Appropriations Bill The House Appropriations Committee favorably reported its $37.4 billion Energy and Water Appropriations bill on April 19 by voice vote. With the House having not yet adopted a budget resolution, the bill cannot be considered on the floor until mid-May. With the Senate having passed … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Lawmakers Request EPA to Revise Corn Ethanol Volume Targets On Thursday, January 16, a bipartisan group of 30 House members sent a letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requesting the agency to reverse course on its latest proposal to revise the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) volume obligations for corn ethanol. In the … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Pell Grant Report The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report examining the recent growth of the Pell Grant Program and policy options to address the cost of the program. As lawmakers look to reauthorize the Higher Education Act in the coming year, there is no doubt the cost of the Pell Grant … Continue Reading
Legislative and Regulatory Activity FCC Process Reform Legislation In less than 10 minutes, the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Communications and Technology favorably reported the committee prints for the “FCC Process Reform Act of 2013” and “FCC Consolidated Reporting Act of 2013,” each by voice vote. Perhaps more noteworthy, however, Chairman Greg Walden … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Franks Abortion Bill The House is scheduled to take up H.R. 1797, the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” on Tuesday, June 18, that would ban nearly all abortions after the twentieth week of pregnancy. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), was approved by a vote of 20-12 by the House Judiciary … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Gainful Employment Nominations for individuals to serve on the Department of Education’s negotiated rulemaking committee to prepare proposed rules for gainful employment programs under Title IV are due July 12. The department may establish additional negotiated rulemaking committees to consider action on issues, including: (1) Cash management of funds provided under Title IV … Continue Reading