Tag Archives: Regular Order

House and Senate Nearing Budget Conference Agreement; Energy-Water and Milcon/VA Appropriations Bills Head to House Floor; Democrats Push for a Budget Deal

Legislative Activity House and Senate Nearing Budget Conference Agreement House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) included possible consideration of the budget conference report on this week’s House schedule, and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Michael Enzi (R-WY) said he is optimistic the House and Senate budget conferees can come to an agreement this week, noting he … Continue Reading

House and Senate Budget Conference; Appropriations 302(b) Allocations and Spending Limits; House Appropriations Committee to Mark Up Appropriations Bills

Legislative Activity House and Senate Budget Conference The House and Senate budget conference committee will hold a public conference meeting on Monday, as they attempt to negotiate a joint agreement on a fiscal 2016 budget resolution that can pass both houses of Congress. Most of the Committee’s upcoming negotiations will take place in private, and … Continue Reading

House and Senate Budget Conference; House Subcommittees to Mark Up Appropriations Bills

Legislative Activity House and Senate Budget Conference The House and Senate Budget Committees are working towards a budget resolution that will pass both the House and the Senate. The Budget Committee Chairmen, Representative Tom Price (R-GA) and Senator Mike Enzi (R-WY), returned early from the two-week recess to discuss the budget resolutions, as they try … Continue Reading