Legislative Activity Upcoming Hearings: Tuesday, April 29: The House Education and the Workforce Committee will hold a full committee hearing on the Department of Education’s FY 2015 budget request, with Secretary Arne Duncan testifying. Tuesday, April 29: The Senate Appropriations Committee will hold a hearing titled “Driving Innovation through Federal Investments” for which it solicited … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity House Budget Resolution Last Tuesday, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) released the House Republican FY 2015 Budget Resolution, the Path to Prosperity. It was approved in the House Budget Committee on a party-line vote last Wednesday and the House plans to consider the Budget Resolution on the floor next week. The … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Child Care and Development Block Grant Before leaving for recess, the Senate overwhelmingly passed its legislation (S. 1086) to reauthorize the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) by a vote of 97-1. The bill will renew the federal funding provision for state support of child care services for low-income families and institute educational, … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Congressional Response to Executive Actions on Higher Ed Policy House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) and Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) sent a letter to President Obama on February 12 requesting to work in partnership with the Administration on reauthorizing the Higher Education … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Budget Deal In a budget deal reached last week, conferees raised approximately $5 billion in savings from two provisions affecting federal student loan programs: The agreement would require guaranty agencies to lower the amount that they charge borrowers, from 18.5 percent to 16 percent, for rehabilitating defaulted loans in the Federal Family Education … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Pell Grant Report The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released a report examining the recent growth of the Pell Grant Program and policy options to address the cost of the program. As lawmakers look to reauthorize the Higher Education Act in the coming year, there is no doubt the cost of the Pell Grant … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Gainful Employment Nominations for individuals to serve on the Department of Education’s negotiated rulemaking committee to prepare proposed rules for gainful employment programs under Title IV are due July 12. The department may establish additional negotiated rulemaking committees to consider action on issues, including: (1) Cash management of funds provided under Title IV … Continue Reading