Tag Archives: FIFA

President Obama Travels to Africa; Congress Continues to Scrutinize the Iran Deal, While the Senate Looks to Possibly Reauthorize the Ex-Im Bank

President Obama’s Africa Trip President Barack Obama travelled to Kenya this past weekend, where he met with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta.  The Governments of the United States and Kenya issued a joint commitment to promote good governance and anti-corruption efforts in Kenya.  The White House also released fact sheets on: (1) Advancing Democracy, Human Rights, Gender Equality, Wildlife Conservation, … Continue Reading

Obama Administration Reaches Out to Congress On the Iran Deal; TPP Chief Negotiators To Meet, Push to Conclude A Deal; TIP Report Overdue

Iran Early last Tuesday, President Obama announced that, after two years of negotiations, the P5+1 negotiators reached a comprehensive, long-term deal with Iran that will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon. Congress will now have an opportunity to review the deal, and the Obama Administration has already begun outreach to Members. President Obama also … Continue Reading

President Obama Attends the G-7 Summit; House to Consider COOL Legislation and Possibly TPA; While the Senate Resumes its FY 2016 NDAA Floor Debate

G-7 Summit President Barack Obama arrived in Germany on Sunday to attend the G-7 Summit. The leaders are expected to review the current situation in Ukraine; discuss continued support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity; and underscore their support for a diplomatic solution based on full implementation of the Minsk agreements. Many expect the G-7 … Continue Reading