Legislative Activity
House “Comprehensive” Energy Bill and Crude Oil Export Legislation
The leadership of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce is expected to put forth a new version of its comprehensive energy bill this week on Tuesday, and will likely hold a full committee markup of the legislation on Thursday. In addition, the Committee leadership has indicated it is also likely to markup on Thursday H.R. 702, legislation to authorize exports of crude oil. The legislation was passed favorably out of subcommittee by a voice vote on September 10, with many Democrats indicating they had significant concerns with the legislation and would seek to have them addressed at full committee.
This Week’s Hearings:
- On Tuesday, September 15, the House Committee on Natural Resources will hold a hearing titled “Oversight Hearing on the Impacts of Federal Policies on Energy Production and Economic Growth in the Gulf.”
- On Thursday, September 17, the House Committee on Natural Resources and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will hold a joint oversight hearing to discuss the EPA’s role in the Animas spill in Colorado. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy will testify. The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works will also hold a hearing the day before on September 16 titled, “Oversight of the Cause, Response, and Impacts of EPA’s Gold King Mine Disaster.” Administrator McCarthy will also testify at the Senate’s hearing.
- On Thursday September 17, the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources will hold a hearing to consider legislation to extend the authority of the Secretaries of Agriculture and Interior to carry out the existing Federal Land Recreation Enhancement Act until September 30, 2017.
Regulatory Activity
GHG and Medium-Heavy Duty Vehicles
EPA has announced it is extending its comment period until October 1 for its proposed rule to address “Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fuel Efficiency Standards for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Engines and Vehicles; Phase 2.”
Oil and Gas
The Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, has announced that it is extending its comment period until October 9 on its proposed rule to establish minimum standards for site security at oil and gas facilities located on federal and Indian lands.