The Senate will convene today, Monday, September 30, at 2:00 pm. After any leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business until 5:00 pm, with senators being permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. Senators will be notified when any votes are scheduled.
Today, the House will convene at 10:00 am for legislative business, with first votes not expected before 11:00 am. With the end of the fiscal year looming, the timeline for last votes is still unknown. One-minute speeches are expected, and legislation to be considered under suspension of the rules includes the following:
- H.R. 3174 – To authorize the Secretary of Transportation to obligate funds for emergency relief projects arising from damage caused by severe weather events in 2013, and for other purposes; and
- S. 1348 – Congressional Award Act Program Reauthorization Act of 2013.
Also on the House Calendar for today is further consideration of H. J. Res. 59 – Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2014, as well as special order speeches. For further information on the debate over the continuing resolution, see today’s post under Budget and Appropriations.