Legislative Activity Senate Finance Committee Aims to Markup Highway Funding Bill While not yet noticed, the Senate Finance Committee is expected to markup a short-term highway funding bill before the week-long July 4 holiday recess; however, it is possible that the markup will slip until Congress returns the week of July 7. While disagreements remain … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity House to Vote on Legislation to Permanently Extend R&D Tax Credit During the week of May 5, the House of Representatives is set to vote on H.R. 4438, the “American Research and Competitiveness Act of 2014,” which is one of six bills considered during the House Ways and Means Committee’s markup of certain … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Ways and Means to Hold Markup of Six Extender Bills On Tuesday, April 29, the House Ways and Means Committee will hold a markup of six bills to permanently extend the business tax provisions discussed in the Committee’s hearing on April 8. The bills are: HR 4429, “To amend the Internal Revenue Code … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Ways and Means Committee to Hold First Hearing on Tax Extenders; Finance Committee Passes Tax Extenders Bill On Tuesday, April 8, the House Ways and Means Committee will hold its first hearing on tax extenders to consider those expired provisions that should be made permanent or provided long-term extensions. This will likely be … Continue Reading