Tag Archives: United Arab Emirates

U.S. Executive Branch Update: April 10, 2023

This report provides a snapshot of the U.S. Executive Branch priorities via daily schedules and the prior day’s press releases. POTUS’ Schedule* 10:15 a.m. EDT – THE PRESIDENT and THE FIRST LADY host the 2023 White House Easter Egg Roll; The Vice President and The Second Gentleman attend 1:45 p.m. EDT – THE PRESIDENT receives … Continue Reading

US Executive Branch Update – November 18, 2021

This report provides a snapshot of the US Executive Branch priorities via daily schedules and the prior day’s press releases. POTUS’ Schedule* 9:00 a.m. EST – THE PRESIDENT receives the President’s Daily Brief 9:45 a.m. EST – THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks and signs into law S. 1511, the “Protecting America’s First Responders Act of 2021,” … Continue Reading

Transition 2020 | Biden Administration Policy Towards the UAE and the Gulf (Video)

In partnership with the US-UAE Business Council (Business Council) and its 2020 “Back to Business” webinar series, our Public Policy colleagues, including former elected and appointed US government officials, joined Danny E. Seabright, President of the Business Council to share their outlook on domestic and foreign policy priorities of the incoming Biden Administration, and their … Continue Reading

President Trump’s FY 2018 Budget Request Cuts Foreign Assistance Account But Increases Defense Department’s Funding; President Trump Welcomes Iraqi Prime Minister This Week, While Secretary Tillerson Hosts the Anti-ISIS Global Coalition Partners in Washington; House Intelligence Committee Examines Alleged Russian Influence of the 2016 U.S. Elections

President Donald Trump met with Taoiseach Enda Kenny of Ireland last Thursday to discuss United States-Ireland economic and cultural ties as part of the White House’s annual St. Patrick’s Day celebration. President Trump welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel to the White House on Friday, where the President commended Germany’s contributions to the fight against ISIS. … Continue Reading

Foreign Sanctions Evaders List Introduced; Ukraine-Russia Dialogue Continues; 3-Day Syria Ceasefire Agreement Reached; Trade Promotion Bill Faces Strong Opposition

Executive and Legislative Branch Activity Iran On February 6, Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control introduced the Foreign Sanctions Evaders List (FSE List) to identify foreign persons sanctioned under Executive Order 13608 – Prohibiting Certain Transactions with and Suspending Entry into the United States of Foreign Sanctions Evaders with Respect to Iran and Syria. Eighteen … Continue Reading