Tag Archives: Pell Grant

Speaker Ryan’s Education Outlook; CTE Reauthorization; Department Publishes Cash Management/REPAYE Final Rules

Legislative Activity Speaker Ryan’s Education Outlook Last Thursday, the House voted to confirm the current House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) as the 54th Speaker of the House. Rep. Ryan is a 16-year veteran of the House and received the support of all but nine of his Republican colleagues. As Speaker Ryan took … Continue Reading

House Members introduce Bipartisan Education Measures; ED Seeks Feedback on Recognizing Innovative Programs

Legislative Activity Higher Education Act Reauthorization Last Thursday, several Members of Congress joined together in a bipartisan manner to introduce legislation that aims to improve the country’s higher education system by simplifying the financial aid process, improving consumer information, providing financial aid counseling, and creating a more flexible Pell Grant program. The House Education and … Continue Reading

Student Data Privacy Legislation to be Introduced This Week

Legislative Activity Student Data Privacy Legislation to be Introduced This Week House Education and the Workforce Committee members Reps. Luke Messer (R-IN) and Jared Polis (D-CO) will introduce student data privacy legislation on Monday. The bill is largely based on the Student Privacy Pledge, formulated by the Future of Privacy Forum and the Software and … Continue Reading

College Affordability Initiatives; FY 2015 Appropriations; Mitchell’s College Affordability Agenda

Legislative Activity College Affordability Initiatives After failing last week to secure enough votes to proceed to floor consideration of Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) student loan reform legislation, the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act (S. 2432), Democratic Senators committed to continuing to raise the issue – eyeing a week in September to refocus on … Continue Reading