Legislative Activity Congress Turns Focus to Puerto Rico Debt Crisis This week, House lawmakers are set to hold a hearing on Puerto Rico’s debt crisis, which is likely to kick off several weeks’ worth of debate on the matter. Importantly, in accordance with House leadership, lawmakers are expected to move legislation addressing the Commonwealth’s fiscal … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Comprehensive Energy Legislation Last week, the House passed H.R. 8, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act of 2015, which included an amendment that would authorize crude oil exports. Debate continues on whether to include a crude export authorization provision in the separate “must pass” all-encompassing appropriations bill to fund the government … Continue Reading
Regulatory Activity Clean Power Plan Last week, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) finally published in the Federal Register the final Clean Power Plan. This regulatory action is one of the keystones of the Obama Administration climate change initiative, which it sees as an important part of the President’s legacy. With this announcement, the EPA is … Continue Reading
Regulatory Activity Pesticides and Waters of the United States The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting comment on its proposed data collection concerning potential changes to its permits for discharges to waters of the U.S. from biological and chemical pesticides that leave a residue. Comments are due by September 15. Ozone EPA is considering updating … Continue Reading
Regulatory Activity Greenhouse Gas Pursuant to President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will soon propose to prohibit certain chemicals contributing to emissions of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a class of greenhouse gases. According to EPA, the “proposed action would change the status of certain high-global warming potential (GWP) HFCs that were previously listed … Continue Reading
Regulatory Activity EPA Approves New Measurements for Ozone In significant news for entities attempting to maintain or attain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQSs), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced it has approved four new testing methods that are now allowed for measuring ozone and related pollutants in determining compliance. The alternative tests can … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Senate to Consider Environmental Nominations On Tuesday, May 13, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will hold a full committee hearing to evaluate President Obama’s nominations for key environmental positions. Dr. Monica Regalbuto is being nominated for Assistant Secretary of the Department of Energy (DOE) to oversee the department’s Office of Environmental … Continue Reading
Regulatory Activity EPA To Propose New GHG Emissions Rule for Oil and Gas Facilities The EPA is proposing revisions to the greenhouse gas reporting rule for oil and gas facilities that will revise calculation methods, monitoring and data reporting requirements, terms and definitions including confidentiality determinations. Affected parties are likely to include: pipeline transportation of … Continue Reading
Regulatory Activity Future Climate Scenarios The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released phase-two of its National Stormwater Calculator. EPA highlights that “the updated calculator includes future climate vulnerability scenarios.” Primarily used to estimate the annual amount of stormwater runoff from a specific location, EPA notes that the tool also includes “changes in seasonal precipitation levels, … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Nominations for U.S. Department of the Interior and EPA On Tuesday, December 17, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will meet to consider the nomination of Neil Kornze to become the Director of the Bureau of Land Management at the Department of the Interior. The Committee will also consider at that time … Continue Reading