Regulatory Activity Greenhouse Gas Rule The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) anticipated Proposed Rule concerning greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for existing coal and natural gas fired power plants will be released to the public on Monday, June 2, at 10:30 am. To advance public awareness of the proposed rule, the President devoted his Saturday radio address … Continue Reading
Regulatory Activity EPA To Propose New GHG Emissions Rule for Oil and Gas Facilities The EPA is proposing revisions to the greenhouse gas reporting rule for oil and gas facilities that will revise calculation methods, monitoring and data reporting requirements, terms and definitions including confidentiality determinations. Affected parties are likely to include: pipeline transportation of … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Climate Change In advance of this week, Chairman Ed Whitfield (R-KY) of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Subcommittee on Energy and Power, issued invitations to the administrators of 13 agencies to testify at a hearing to be held this Wednesday, September 18, titled “The Obama Administration’s Climate Change Policies.” The hearing will … Continue Reading