Tag Archives: House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Congress to Move Forward on Data Security and Information Sharing Bills

Legislative Activity Information Sharing Bills Continue to Multiply Last week, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence released the bill text of S. 754 – the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA) – which previously passed out of the committee by a 14-1 vote. In response to the bill’s release, a number of privacy advocates expressed their … Continue Reading

Congress Avoids DHS Shut-Down; Senate Intelligence Prepares Cybersecurity Information-Sharing Bill; President Authorizes Creation of New Government Agency

Legislative Activity Congress Avoids DHS Shut-Down With only hours to spare before the midnight Friday deadline, the House and Senate passed a stop-gap measure extending funding for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) by one week, delaying a long-term solution to the current partisan impasse but avoiding a temporary shut-down of the agency. In remarks … Continue Reading