Tag Archives: Highway Bill

Lawmakers to Finish Highway Funding, Turn to Extenders; IRS Advisory Council to Discuss Operational Funding

Legislative Activity Lawmakers Conference Highway Bills as Tax-Writers Turn to Extenders With highway funding authorization set to expire on Friday, November 20, House and Senate lawmakers this week will be tasked with conferencing their versions of highway funding legislation. In addition to differences in the transportation provisions, there still remains a key difference between the … Continue Reading

Lawmakers Hoping to Move Forward on Highway Bill, IRS Proposes Regulations on “Disguised Payments”

Legislative Activity Tax-Writers Running Out of Time on Highway Bill Following the passage last week of the House’s $8 billion five-month highway patch, the Senate continues to remain focused on moving forward with its own bill, which provides for a six year highway reauthorization and three years’ worth of funding (more than $47 billion), with … Continue Reading

Tax-Writers Move on Highway Funding, Tax Extenders

Legislative Activity Tax-Writers Running Out of Time on Highway Bill Last week, the House of Representatives passed by a vote of 312-119 an $8 billion five-month highway patch that includes various tax compliance-related pay-fors, which themselves raise nearly $5 billion. If the House is successful in getting the Senate to agree to its short-term extension … Continue Reading

BEPS and International Tax Reform, Highway Funding in Focus for Tax-Writers

Legislative Activity Congress Concerned with BEPS, International Tax Reform Moves Forward Last week, G-7 leaders (i.e., finance ministers and central bank governors from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) met in Germany to renew their commitment to coming together on a “feasible” proposal to address base erosion and profit … Continue Reading