Tag Archives: G7 Trade Ministerial

Transatlantic Trade | US and Europe – Week of October 18, 2021

Officials from the United States (US) were in Europe this week, discussing trade matters, including the Section 232 aluminum and steel dispute.  The US Department of the Treasury formally announced an agreement had been reached with some European countries that have enacted unilateral digital services taxes (DSTs).  Also this week, the European Commission adopted its … Continue Reading

Transatlantic Trade | US and Europe – Week of May 24, 2021

The President of the United States (US) directed the American intelligence community to redouble efforts in ascertaining the origins of COVID-19, a move that comes amid US lawmakers increasingly pressing the Administration to investigate allegations of a possible leak from a laboratory in Wuhan in the People’s Republic of China (“China”).  The European Union (EU) … Continue Reading

Transatlantic Trade | US and Europe – Week of March 29, 2021

United States (US) officials released two major annual publications this week, one focused on human rights and the other focused on trade barriers for American goods and services.  The United Kingdom (UK) submitted a roadmap to the European Union (EU) regarding its border controls in Northern Ireland.  The two sides also appear to have reached … Continue Reading