This report provides a snapshot of the US Executive Branch priorities via daily schedules and the prior day’s press releases. POTUS’ Schedule* 10:15 a.m. EST – The President and The Vice President receive the President’s Daily Brief | Oval Office 11:45 a.m. EST – The President visits a small business that has benefited from a … Continue Reading
This weekly report captures developments from the US executive and legislative branches related to higher education policy, and also includes relevant information such as reports and upcoming events.… Continue Reading
Legislative Activity House Vote on ESEA Postponed to This Week The House will continue to consider its Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) reauthorization bill – the Student Success Act (H.R. 5) – that was brought to the House floor last week. Last Thursday, House members began floor consideration of 44 amendments to the legislation— … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Child Care Development Block Grant Reauthorization Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) filed cloture on the motion to proceed to legislation (S. 1086) to reauthorize the Child Care Development Block Grant, which expired in 1996 but has continued to receive appropriations funding since then. A vote on the legislation, which would … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Budget Deal In a budget deal reached last week, conferees raised approximately $5 billion in savings from two provisions affecting federal student loan programs: The agreement would require guaranty agencies to lower the amount that they charge borrowers, from 18.5 percent to 16 percent, for rehabilitating defaulted loans in the Federal Family Education … Continue Reading