Tag Archives: farm bill conference

House To Adjourn Until 2014 Without Passing A Farm Bill

Legislative Activity Farm Bill Conference Progress This week, we expect the House to adjourn until 2014 without passing a conferenced farm bill, despite House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) expressing his willingness to have the chamber consider a conference report. House Agriculture Committee Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) has indicated that the conference committee will most … Continue Reading

Senator Debbie Stabenow Publicly States That A Farm Bill Compromise is “Doable” Before Congress Leaves For Thanksgiving Break

Legislative Activity Farm Bill Conference Progress Senate Agriculture Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) has remarked publicly that a farm bill compromise is “doable” before Congress leaves for the Thanksgiving break, as agreements may have been reached or are close to being reached on issues including dairy, crop insurance, and conservation. It also appears that the conference … Continue Reading