Tag Archives: education funding

FY 2016 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Progress; ESEA Outlook; HEA Hearings

Legislative Activity Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Progresses Last Tuesday, the House Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies released its draft FY 2016 spending bill in advance of the Subcommittee’s markup the following day on June 17. This is the first time the House Labor-HHS-Education bill has been made public in three … Continue Reading

College Affordability Initiatives; FY 2015 Appropriations; Mitchell’s College Affordability Agenda

Legislative Activity College Affordability Initiatives After failing last week to secure enough votes to proceed to floor consideration of Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) student loan reform legislation, the Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act (S. 2432), Democratic Senators committed to continuing to raise the issue – eyeing a week in September to refocus on … Continue Reading

First Lady’s Reach Hire Initiative, DOE Names Schools Under Title IX Investigation & White House Recommendations for Handling Sexual Assault on School Campuses

Legislative Activity R & D Tax Credits On Wednesday, the House is scheduled to consider a bill (HR 4438) to permanently extend the research and development (R & D) tax credit while modifying the calculation method and the rate for the tax credit. As the temporary tax credit provision for qualified R & D expenses … Continue Reading

House Budget Resolution & Negotiated Rulemaking on the Violence Against Women Act

Legislative Activity House Budget Resolution Last Tuesday, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) released the House Republican FY 2015 Budget Resolution, the Path to Prosperity. It was approved in the House Budget Committee on a party-line vote last Wednesday and the House plans to consider the Budget Resolution on the floor next week. The … Continue Reading