Handcuffs and US flagAs a nation, we are witnessing and experiencing tumultuous times. The American society is collectively being put to the test, often the outcome could be life or death.

During this past July 4th holiday, an anniversary that celebrates the Declaration of Independence and the original promise of life, liberty and justice for all, I felt inspired by the words and deeds of Frederick Douglass. A Black man who had to live and grapple with the paradox of the promise of the American dream, yet Douglass maintained his profound respect for the promise of the Declaration of Independence, and remained eternally hopeful that all American people would band together to move our nation to higher ground. Following on the inspiration, I shared my thoughts in an op-ed for USA Today.

I hope you will join me to celebrate the promise of America, keep hope alive, and most importantly, make concrete actions together to help build a more perfect union.