Senate Legislative Activity
The Senate will convene on Monday, February 22, at 3:00pm. Following the prayer and pledge, Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) will be recognized to deliver Washington’s Farewell Address. Following the reading of Washington’s Farewell Address, the Senate will be in a period of morning business until 5:30pm, with Senators permitted to speak up to 10 minutes each.
At 5:30pm, there will be a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #443, Robert McKinnon Califf, to be Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Department of Health and Human Services. If cloture is invoked (majority vote) there would be up to 30 hours for debate prior to a vote on confirmation of the nomination.
Separately, the Senate may also resume consideration of the energy bill and begin consideration of the Judiciary Committee’s legislation dealing with opioids.
House Legislative Activity
On Monday, February 22, no votes are expected in the House. On Tuesday, February 23, the House will meet at 2:00pm for legislative, with votes postponed until 6:30pm. The following legislation will be considered under suspension of the rules:
- S. 2109 – Directing Dollars to Disaster Relief Act of 2015;
- H.R. 3584 – Transportation Security Administration Reform and Improvement Act of 2015;
- H.R. 4408 – National Strategy to Combat Terrorist Travel Act of 2016, as amended;
- H.R. 4398 – DHS Acquisition Documentation Integrity Act of 2016; and
- H.R. 4402 – Foreign Fighter Review Act of 2016, as amended
On Wednesday, February 24, the House will meet at 10:00am for morning hour and at 12:00pm for legislative business. The following legislation will be considered under suspension of the rules:
- S. 238 – Eric Williams Correctional Officer Protection Act of 2015;
- H.R. 812 – Indian Trust Asset Reform Act, as amended;
- H.R. 3004 – To amend the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Act to extend the authorization for the Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Commission;
- H.R. 1296 – To amend the San Luis Rey Indian Water Rights Settlement Act to clarify certain settlement terms, and for other purposes;
- H.R. 1475 – Korean War Veterans Memorial Wall of Remembrance Act of 2016;
- H.R. 2880 – Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park Act of 2016;
- H.R. 3371 – Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park Boundary Adjustment Act of 2015; and
- H.R. 3620 – To amend the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Improvement Act to provide access to certain vehicles serving residents of municipalities adjacent to the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, and for other purposes
On Thursday, February 25, the House will meet at 10:00am for morning hour and at 12:00pm for legislative business. On Friday, February 26, the House will meet at 9:00am for legislative business, with last votes expected no later than 3:00pm. The House will consider: