Senate Legislative Activity
On Monday, April 13, the Senate will convene at 2:00pm. Following any Leaders remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business, with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each. At 5:00pm, the Senate will enter into an Executive Session to consider Calendar #23, Alfred H. Bennett, of Texas, to be U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Texas. After 30 minutes of debate that has been equally divided, the Senate will hold a roll call vote on the confirmation of the nomination at approximately 5:30pm.
House Legislative Activity
On Monday, April 13, the House will meet at 12:00pm for morning hour and at 2:00pm for legislative business, with votes postponed until 6:30pm. The following legislation will be considered under suspension of the rules:
- H.R. 299 – Capital Access for Small Community Financial Institutions Act of 2015;
- H.R. 1259 – Helping Expand Lending Practices in Rural Communities Act;
- H.R. 1265 – Bureau Advisory Commission Transparency Act;
- H.R. 601 – Eliminate Privacy Notice Confusion Act;
- H.R. 1367 – To amend the Expedited Funds Availability Act to clarify the application of that Act to American Samoa and the Northern Mariana Islands; and
- H.R. 1480 – SAFE Act Confidentiality and Privilege Enhancement Act
On Tuesday and Wednesday, April 14 and 15, the House will meet at 10:00am for morning hour and at 12:00pm for legislative business. On Thursday, April 16, the House will meet at 9:00am for legislative business, with last votes expected by 3:00pm. The following legislation will be considered under suspension of the rules:
- H.R. 1058 – Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act of 2015;
- H.R. 1152 – IRS Email Transparency Act;
- H.R. 1026 – Taxpayer Knowledge of IRS Investigations Act;
- H.R. 1314 – Ensuring Tax Exempt Organizations the Right to Appeal Act;
- H.R. 1295 – IRS Bureaucracy Reduction and Judicial Review Act;
- H.R. 709 – Prevent Targeting at the IRS Act;
- H.R. 1104 – Fair Treatment for All Gifts Act;
- H.R. 1562 – Contracting and Tax Accountability Act of 2015; and
- H.R. 1563 – Federal Employee Tax Accountability Act of 2015, as amended
The House will also consider:
- H.R. 650 – Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act of 2015 (Subject to a Rule);
- H.R. 685 – Mortgage Choice Act of 2015 (Subject to a Rule);
- H.R. 622 – State and Local Sales Tax Deduction Fairness Act of 2015 (Subject to a Rule); and
- H.R. 1105 – Death Tax Repeal Act of 2015 (Subject to a Rule)
On Friday, April 16, no votes are expected in the House.