Legislative Activity

  • Tuesday, April 8: The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will hold a hearing to review the President’s nomination of Ms. Janet McCabe to lead EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation.
  • On Tuesday, April 8: The House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold a subcommittee markup to consider H.R. 6, the “Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act.”
  • Wednesday, April 9: The House Science Committee will hold a hearing titled, “Department of Energy Science and Technology Priorities.”
  • Friday, April 10: The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources will hold a hearing titled “Electric Grid Reliability and Security – Are We Doing Enough?”

Regulatory Activity

EPA Sends GHG Proposal for Existing Power Plants to OMB

On Tuesday, April 1, the White House Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) received a draft notice-of-proposed rulemaking to limit greenhouse gas emissions from existing power plants from the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”). While neither the EPA nor the OMB have revealed any contents of the draft proposal, the EPA submission suggests that the agency remains on track to meet its June target to publish a notice-of-proposed-rulemaking in accordance with the President’s Climate Action Plan.