Due to observance of Veterans’ Day, the Senate will not be in session today, Monday, November 11. The Senate will convene tomorrow, Tuesday, November 12, at 2:00 pm, and after any leader remarks the Senate will be in a period of morning business until 4:30 pm.

At 4:30 pm, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider Executive Calendar #346, the nomination of Cornelia Pillard to be United States District Court Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit. The time until 5:30 pm will be equally divided and controlled, and at 5:30 pm there will be a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the nomination. If cloture is not invoked, another roll call vote will be held on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R. 3204, the Drug Quality and Security Act.

Due to observance of Veterans’ Day, the House will not be in session today. Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 12, the House will convene at 2:00 pm for legislative business, with votes being postponed until 6:30 pm. Legislation to be considered under suspension of the rules is as follows:

  1. S. 252 – PREEMIE Reauthorization Act, as amended;
  2. S. 330 – HIV Organ Policy Equity Act;
  3. S. 893 – Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2013;
  4. H.R. 2922 – To extend the authority of the Supreme Court Police to protect court officials away from the Supreme Court grounds;
  5. H. Res. 196 – Supporting the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the right to counsel, as amended; and
  6. H.R. 2871 – To amend title 28, United States Code, to modify the composition of the southern judicial district of Mississippi to improve judicial efficiency, and for other purposes.

On Wednesday, November 13, the House will convene at 10:00 am for morning hour and 12:00 pm for legislative business. Legislation on the calendar for Wednesday includes H.R. 982 – Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency (FACT) Act (subject to a rule).

On Thursday, November 14, the House will meet at 10:00 am for morning hour and 12:00 pm for legislative business. Legislation on the calendar for Thursday includes H.R. 2655 – Lawsuit Abuse Reduction Act of 2013 (subject to a rule).

On Friday, November 15, the House will convene at 9:00 am for legislative business, with last votes expected no later than 3:00 pm. Legislation on the calendar for Friday includes H.R. 3350 – Keep Your Health Plan Act of 2013 (subject to a rule).