Senate Legislative Activity The Senate will convene today, Monday, July 28, at 2:00 pm. After any leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to resume consideration of Executive Calendar #929—Pamela Harris to be United States District Judge for the Fourth Circuit, post-cloture. The time until 5:30 pm will be equally divided, and at … Continue Reading
Senate Legislative Activity The Senate will convene today, Monday, July 21, at 2:00 pm. After any leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business until 5:30 pm, with senators allowed to speak for up to 10 minutes each. At 5:30 pm, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to vote on … Continue Reading
Senate Legislative Activity The Senate will convene today, Monday, May 5, at 2:00 pm. After any leader remarks, the Senate will be in a period of morning business until 5:30 pm, with senators allowed to speak for up to 10 minutes each. At 5:30 pm, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session, and there will … Continue Reading
Senate Legislative Activity The Senate Appropriations Committee will continue to hold hearings on the FY 2015 Budget this week. See this week’s Budget and Appropriations Capital Thinking Blog Post for further details. The Senate will convene today, Monday, March 31, at 2:00 pm. After any leader remarks, the Senate will proceed to consideration of H.R. 4302, the … Continue Reading