Legislative Action Comprehensive Energy Bill As we have previously reported, while the House has voted to go to conference on comprehensive energy legislation and has already appointed its conferees, the Senate has yet to do the same. Work continues in the Senate to clear potential obstacles to agreeing to a conference with the House and … Continue Reading
Legislative Action Senate Energy Policy Modernization Act As a result of continued opposition to the Flint water funding package and an off-shore oil revenue amendment, the Senate continues to remain in a holding pattern on floor action for S. 2012, the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2016. Renewables in FAA Reauthorization The Senate prepares for … Continue Reading
Regulatory Activity Greenhouse Gas The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “Clean Power Plan” to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from existing power plants will fundamentally shift the nation’s energy economy for generations to come. Broadly speaking, the proposal would require state governments to implement plans to reduce carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) from existing power plants by … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity House to Consider Environmental Regulatory Reform Legislation This week, the House will consider H.R. 2279, the “Reducing Excessive Deadline Obligations Act.” The legislation consolidates three bills that were favorably reported by the Energy and Commerce Committee last year dealing with the Solid Waste Disposal Act (the “SWDA”), the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and … Continue Reading