Tag Archives: Secure communication

Congressional Committees Hold Hearings on Data Breach Issues; NIST To Issue Final Version of Cybersecurity Framework

Legislative Branch Activity Data Breach Issues Last week, three Congressional Committees – the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, and the Senate Judiciary Committee – held hearings that explored the recent data breaches at Target and Neiman Marcus that compromised the financial data for millions of customers. Officials from … Continue Reading

Senate Committee Reviews Bipartisan Cybersecurity Bill; DHS Compiles Critical Infrastructure List

Legislative Branch Activity Cybersecurity Legislation The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee is expected to mark up a bipartisan cybersecurity bill before the end of this month. A draft of the bill is currently being circulated and contains provisions that would codify the role of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to continue … Continue Reading

Senate Committee Reviewing Bipartisan Cybersecurity Bill; OMB Reviewing Cybersecurity Incentive Proposals; DOE Announces Public-Private Partnership

Legislative Branch Activity Cybersecurity Legislation The Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee is expected to mark up a bipartisan cybersecurity bill drafted by Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Ranking Member John Thune (R-SD) by the end of this month. The bill will be focused on defining industry standards for critical infrastructure and strengthening cybersecurity … Continue Reading

Senate Commitees Drafting Cybersecurity Legislation; Senators Introduce Data Security Legislation; DHS Inspector General Report Issued

Legislative Branch Activity Cybersecurity Legislation In the Senate, the committees with jurisdiction over cybersecurity issues continue to work on drafting legislation that will be introduced in the coming weeks, including the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, and the Senate Intelligence Committee. Previous efforts to pass cybersecurity … Continue Reading

House Committee Drafting Final Cyber Bill; Working Group Holds Meetings on Telecommunications Protection; Obama and China President Xi Jinping Discuss Cybersecurity

Legislative Activity House Homeland Security Committee Legislation The House Homeland Security Committee is drafting legislation that will codify the cybersecurity roles and responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as well as address other key aspects of cyber. This is the last of the cyber bills the House is expected to move through the … Continue Reading