Tag Archives: National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act

Cyber Legislation Moves to Conference; White House Issues Cyber Strategy

Legislative Activity Information Sharing Legislation Moves to Conference Last week, the Senate passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA/S. 754) by a 74-21 vote. Before voting on final passage of the bill, the Senate approved an amendment that would sunset the bill ten years after its enactment. All other amendments that were voted on during … Continue Reading

Senate is Likely to Consider Cybersecurity Legislation Before August Recess

Legislative Activity Senate is Likely to Consider Cybersecurity Legislation Before August Recess Once it completes its work on surface transportation reauthorization legislation, the Senate has indicated that it plans to consider the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA/S. 754) on the Senate floor before it leaves for recess, which is scheduled to begin on August 7. … Continue Reading

“Cyber Week” Begins April 21st in the House

Legislative Activity “Cyber Week” Begins April 21st in the House The House has designated this week as “Cyber Week” and plans to expeditiously move key cybersecurity bills focusing on critical information sharing tools. The first is the National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act (H.R. 1731), which the House Homeland Security Committee unanimously passed out of Committee … Continue Reading

House Homeland Security Committee to Mark-Up Cyber Information Sharing Bill; Cyber Week Scheduled in the House

Legislative Activity House Homeland Security Committee to Mark-Up Cyber Information Sharing Bill On Tuesday, the House Homeland Security Committee will mark up the National Cybersecurity Protection Advancement Act, which will officially be introduced on Monday. The Committee has worked collaboratively with the private sector and stakeholders to develop the legislation for the last few weeks. … Continue Reading