Legislative Activity Border Adjustability in the Spotlight Though healthcare and repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act have thus far been the primary focus of the tax-writing committees this Congress, policymakers are still continuing to move forward with tax reform. Among the proposals in the House Republicans’ tax reform “Blueprint” receiving the most attention in recent weeks … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Lawmakers Look at Specific Tax Policy Priorities with an Eye Toward Tax Reform in 2017 With the House last week having passed various targeted pieces of tax legislation, it is clear that much of the rest of this Congress will be devoted to more narrow asks, though continued efforts in anticipation of tax … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Senate Banking Takes on Terrorism Financing Taking the lead from the House Financial Services Committee, which held a hearing earlier this month to exam the terrorism financing implications of the “ransom payments” to Iran, the Senate Banking Committee will hold a hearing this Wednesday on the matter. Outside of the more recent focus … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Many Tax Policy Priorities Outstanding as Congress Looks to Home Stretch With Congress back in Washington for several weeks of work before adjourning in advance of the November Election, tax-writers have much work in store – though the lack of legislative days, coupled with the complex and divisive nature of some of the … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity House to Vote on Financial Services Appropriations Bill as Hensarling Pushes Plan to Replace Dodd-Frank This week, the House is expected to consider the FY 2017 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, which passed out of Committee largely along partisan lines and contains various provisions that would peel back certain aspects of … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Hensarling to Release Plan to Replace Dodd-Frank House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) is set to unveil details about the Republican plan to replace the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) with a “pro-growth” alternative during a speech to the Economic Club of New York on Tuesday, … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Senate to Consider Business Tax Reform Proposals Following multiple hearings on tax reform thus far this year in the House Ways and Means Committee, this week the Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing on business tax reform. During the hearing, the difference between Republican and Democrat approaches to taxing corporate income, including … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Tax –Writers Plan to Put Out Comprehensive Blueprint by June Last Friday, April 15 (i.e., Tax Day), House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-TX) confirmed that the Tax Reform Task Force (set up earlier in the year by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI)) plans to release a comprehensive tax reform “blueprint” by … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity House Tax-Writers Continue Moving Forward with Work on Tax Reform This week, on Wednesday, April 13, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Tax Policy will hold a hearing to continue the Committee’s efforts to examine “fundamental tax reform proposals.” In March, Ways and Means Committee members examined legislative proposals related to cash-flow … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity International Tax Reform v. Inversions Following up on Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch’s (R-UT) recent acknowledgment that his “corporate integration” proposal has been delayed, at least by “a few weeks,” it now appears that the House Ways and Means Committee may miss its self-imposed goal of March 31 by which to release … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Tax-Writers to Scrutinize Obama’s Budget With President Obama set to release his FY 2017 Budget Proposal on the morning of Tuesday, February 9, House and Senate tax-writers this week have scheduled numerous hearings to review the tax and revenue portions of the Budget. The proposals – at least some of which are sure … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Congress Concerned with BEPS, International Tax Reform Moves Forward Last week, G-7 leaders (i.e., finance ministers and central bank governors from Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States) met in Germany to renew their commitment to coming together on a “feasible” proposal to address base erosion and profit … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity President Obama, Secretary Lew Outline Tax Reform Proposals As mentioned in previous coverage of the State of the Union Address, President Obama has proposed approximately $320 billion in new taxes, aimed largely at investment income and large financial institutions, with revenues raised from these proposals to be dedicated principally to a new or … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Lawmakers to Focus on Tax Extenders As Congress returns to Washington, tax extenders legislation remains on the relatively short list of “must pass” items in the lame duck session. While the House and Senate have thus far taken different approaches on extenders, it is likely that lawmakers will finalize a proposal before adjourning … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity Lawmakers Consider Energy Tax Reform On Wednesday, September 17, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing titled “Reforming America’s Outdated Energy Tax Code.” During the hearing, discussion centered on how to best address certain energy-related provisions within the U.S. Tax Code. Lawmakers discussed taking a technology neutral, “performance-based” approach, rather than considering the … Continue Reading
Legislative Activity House Passes Highway Funding Bill, Senate Prepares to Vote on Legislation Last week, the House voted 367-55 to pass H.R. 5021, the Highway and Transportation Funding Act of 2014. The bill would patch and reauthorize the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) through May 2015 by using transfers from the General Fund and the Leaking Underground Storage … Continue Reading