The Senate will convene at 10:00 am on Tuesday, July 23. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is expected to renew his motion to proceed on the FY 2014 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies appropriations bill (S. 1243). The time until 12:00 pm will be equally divided and controlled between Majority Leader Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), or their designees. The Senate will proceed to a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to S. 1243 at 12:00 pm because cloture was filed on that motion on July 18. If cloture is invoked, all post-cloture time will be yielded back and the Senate will proceed to vote on the motion to proceed to S. 1243, which will likely be a voice vote. If the motion to proceed to S. 1243 is adopted, the text of the House FY 2014 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development and Related Agencies appropriations bill (H.R. 2610) will be deemed House-passed text. The Senate will recess from 12:30 pm until 2:15 pm to allow for weekly caucus meetings.
On Monday, July 22, the House will meet at 12:00 pm for morning hour and 2:00 pm for legislative business. Votes will be postponed until 6:30 pm. he following legislation will be considered under suspension of the rules: Three Kids Mine Remediation and Reclamation Act (H.R. 697); a bill to amend the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 to reauthorize the volunteer programs and community partnerships for the benefit of national wildlife refuges and other purposes (H.R. 1300); the California Coastal National Monument Expansion Act of 2013 (H.R. 1411); a bill to amend title 23, United States code, with respect to the operation of vehicles on certain Wisconsin highways and other purposes (H.R. 2353); a resolution authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the District of Columbia Special Olympics law Enforcement Torch Run (H. Con. Res. 44); and the WMD Intelligence and Information Sharing Act of 2013 (H.R. 1542).
The House will meet at 10:00 am for morning hour and 12:00 pm for legislative business on Tuesday, July 23 and Wednesday, July 24. The House will convene at 9:00 am for legislative business on Thursday, July 25, and the last votes are expected no later than 3:00 pm. No votes are expected on Friday, July 26. The House is expected on the following bills by the end of this week: the Department of Defense Appropriations Act (subject to a rule) (H.R. 2397); the Coal Residues Reuse and Management Act of 2013 (subject to a rule) (H.R. 2218); and the Energy Consumers Relief Act of 2013 (H.R. 1582).